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Butterfly Spirit Medicine

Updated: Jan 22, 2022


Symbolism: transformation, hunger/drive, renewed perspective, second chances.

Family: Papilionidae

Companion: Flower

A magickal flash into your conscience, elegantly gifting codes. The ethereal nature of the beautiful butterfly looks to enlightenment. Mostly recognized as a messenger from the beyond, or souls of the dearly departed visiting assuring they are well.

The full four stages of complete metamorphosis symbolize distinct lifestyles – egg, larval caterpillar, pupal chrysalis and adult butterfly. Each transformational phase speaks to changes happening spiritually. It’s important to note that adult butterflies will only lay eggs on the specific host plant which will house and feed the emerging new life. A reminder that you are exactly where you are meant to be. There is purpose in where you are, right this second. The entire journey is for you. One phase cannot be without the other.

The egg calls in compassion and recognition for the different stages that all are on the journey, even the very beginning. It represents the state of unconsciousness,

potential and development. Although no change can be seen from the outside of an egg, trust and know there is necessary growth taking place. Here, experiences our souls need to learn for the sake of elevation are given to us.

Larval stage eats, eats and eats to grow and represents awakening. As lots of consumption is taking place, there will be challenges present and necessary resting periods. In a shadow sense, you may be consuming so much that the theme of destruction and delusion is present. Things are breaking apart with a purpose. Trust you are digesting all information destined to be integrated by you, the remainder will dissolve. It’s important to rest, as your discernment is being strengthened at this time. It’s vital to trust and remember that the egg was laid on the correct plant. You are growing, and although you do not know when… from the molting process, your wings will be born.

For the final and fourth phase… flight. Numerologically, the number four is seen as foundational stability and order. It can be seen in the unshakable and solid-formed square shape, as well as, in natural world in the four directions (medicine wheel), four elements, four seasons, four major phases of the moon. Four is usually associated with archangels. Spiritual transformation does not just happen, it requires solid foundation of discipline, devotion and spiritual principles being in place for awakening to happen. Every bit of our journey served its purpose of helping us develop. The butterfly reminds us of the process that takes work, pay attention, remain diligent to the path you are on that’s aligned with your soul’s purpose.

Where have you created more magick and meaning in your life? In what ways will you celebrate your growth? Butterflies call forth devotion to your purpose. A promise of joy. There is beauty in your sacrifice.

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