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Dragonfly Spirit Medicine

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

The Iridescent Messenger:

Medicine of Illusion & Inspiration

· Symbolism: change, transformation, ancestral & angelic presence, spirit communication, self-trust, protection, purification, fertility, magick.

· Family: Odonata, one of the world’s most ancient insect orders.

· Companion: Lotus, Water, other aquatic plants.

The dragonfly is a creature of multidimensional transformation, living and evolving within multiple elements - water, earth and air. There are three stages in the life cycle of all dragonflies: egg, larva (aka nymph) and adult. Life begins in an egg laid underwater, before being born as a nymph. This aquatic being exists anywhere between 3 months for smaller species, and up to 5 years for larger species. If the nymph must grow larger in order to survive longer underwater, it possesses the ability to shed its previous exoskeleton in exchange for an enlarged body. Because this puts them in a vulnerable state, they must separate themselves from danger of being easily consumed and find a safe space to transform.

When ready to metamorphose into an adult, it stops feeding and makes way to the water’s surface, generally at night. It remains stationary with its head out of the water, while its respiration system adapts to breathing air. This process is mirrors that of its precious companions, the Lotus and Water Lily – all symbolizing purity. Later, it climbs up an emergent plant to molt. Anchoring itself in a vertical position with its claws, its skin begins to split behind the head to be reborn. It’s said that the head, or crown is the entry point for breath and spirit. It’s beautiful that the crown chakra is highlighted here to honor one’s divine connection being protected as one travels and transitions through several different elements, and states of consciousness.'

Iridescent and sensitive, the dragonfly often emerges upside down like the tarot’s Hanged Man, then props itself up as life is pumped into the new wings. Its magickal and multicolored wings offer the medicine of dancing between the realms of illusion and inspiration. The fore and hind wings function separately, allowing for rapid acceleration. Watch your thoughts and beliefs and expect your reality and environment to respond quickly to your thoughts. What are you inspired to manifest? Soon it will be time to spread your wings, so align with your intentions now. When they are near, give thanks and say your prayers ~ the second pair of wings are said to carry angels & benevolent spirits. They are listening. You are heard.

The shortest-lived phase in its life is the most evolved adult stage ~ serving as encouragement to enjoy everything while it lasts. It is wise to remember that everything is everchanging. Don’t fool yourself - we never get the same moment back, not even this one. Be present, know your energetic exchanges are precious and serve purpose. Don’t spend too much time being illusioned about your own power. What truths could you be repressing or denying? Are you denying yourself of realities just because others may not see the? Your evolution with take you through a series of rebirths. This is part of your legacy. Now is the time to recognize your multidimensionality, show appreciation for your unique path, release attachments from other’s expectations & recognize your true potential. You are a divine design.

Dragonfly encourages you to celebrate what magick looks and feels like to you.

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