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Flower Essence Love

Flower Essence Love

Flower Essences are a vibrational medicine, they typically do not contain physical constituents of the plant. They contain the energy of the plant suspended in water. These gentle remedies work on a subtle level of our being to initiate change and cultivate emotional and spiritual growth and well-being. They are appreciated for their ability to illuminate positive aspects of our personality and behaviors, bringing us into deeper communion with ourselves and beyond.

A Bit of History...

Prior to scientific research being conducted, many indigenous traditions made/make use of flower essences and vibrational essences. It has been documented that Aboriginal people and Ayurvedic remedies soak fresh flowers in water for a few hours to commune with the physical and spiritual qualities inherent in nature.

About the Process

Truth is that water holds memory. During a flower essence ceremony, water holds space for a special imprint... and is encoded with the flower's soul pattern (including the color, geometric pattern and other energetic signatures). With the help of light, water absorbs the electromagnetic frequency of the flower and lifeforce/spiritual light of the plant ~ making a flower essence!

Since the water in our bodies also holds memory, flower essences help activate resonance with specific energies and soul qualities and states of being that we are attuning ourselves to. Tapping into the wisdom of a particular flower with intention reharmonizes our auric fields, rekindle the flame in the depths of who we are, with more consistency and deeper appreciation.

I like to think of flower essences therapy as an art of resonating with the part within self that is already in tune with the flower's nature and being able to recognize those patterns within oneself.

There is science, mystery, and magick involved with flower essences. Each flower is different, as every expression in nature has its own unique personalities and medicine to contribute.

Creation + Use

Biophilia's flower essences are created ceremoniously with fresh blooms, spring water, direct sunlight, and sometimes other elements, then stabilized in a base of honey liqueur and coconut glycerin.

There are various ways to commune with flower essences. Recommended dosages range anywhere between 3-30 drops onto the tongue or in water, however, you may use it intuitively. You may also reap the benefits by apply externally when applying to pressure points, adding to baths, and dressing a candle intentionally.

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