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Lizard Spirit Medicine

Updated: Jan 22, 2022


Guardian of Regeneration: Medicine of Great Capacity

· Symbolism: regeneration, adaptation, dreams, protection, shielded warrior spirit.

· Family: Squamata, reptiles that evolved with prehistoric origins & dinosaur ancestors.

Lizards are ancient aquatic and terrestrial reptiles that can be found almost everywhere in the world (with over 6,000 species). They are ancient and have a history of being hardened by nature and weathered by time. Their long bodies, 4 sprawling legs and notable tails that keep them close to the earth. With a close connection to grounding elements, they serve as a reminder to remain in communion with that which anchors us. This may be an opportunity for you to remember – what makes me feel close to home? It may be a good time to meditate on what ways can you honor the home within and begin practicing how to take it with you everywhere you go.

As the lizard grows continuously throughout their lives, hard scales cannot expand and thus, are discarded individually rather than all at once. Just as shedding happens gradually, life’s lessons are honored one by one. If you are experiencing a rebirth, remember there’s no rush to become anew – it is happening. Regeneration is at play. Know you hold a great capacity and all that is being asked of you at this time is your full presence, so you may adapt to situations properly. This cold-blooded creature is known to take on the same temperature of their environment (for example, to maintain warmness needed to navigate, one must remain in sunlight & during the winter months, one must go dormant underground in order to preserve energy). Reflect and consider - what kind of environments do you thrive in? What sort of company is present within those environments? What kind of effect do they have on you? Do you have healthy boundaries that ensure safety? If seeking guidance, you are encouraged to spend time outdoors to observe what storylines and messages are present for you.

These protective spirits employ unique forms of self-defense. While camouflaged, the lizard is sometimes hard to find, and are even harder to catch! When in dangerous company, not only do some species have the ability to leave the tail behind while fleeing (called autotomy), but also grow it back with time - a symbol of regeneration and destined healing. Some rely on threatening displays, like hissing or enlarging skin around neck to appear larger. Reminding one to honor how far they’ve come, would like to go, and the wisdom and resilience it takes to get there. Teaching us to value self-preservation and safety.

Lizards have superior eyesight, seeing color spectrums beyond humans (and embody them, too). Many have teeth on the roof of their mouths and can replace them continuously. Hearing varies, but are they are often extremely sensitive to air and ground vibrations. Often very still when feeling the slightest presence of another animal or being. Trust your instincts and bodily intelligence.

Symbolizing patience, or trance-like dream state. Can represent shadow side of dreams where they are considered before bringing them forth into reality. Pay attention to your dreams and record them to further examine the subconscious mind and explore how your imagination can lead us to new doors, new experiences, new creations and realities.

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