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: Mugwort, lavender, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, mango butter, shea butter, beeswax, love.


Herbal Qualities

: A shapeshifter and shifter of perceptions, Mugwort flows in many ways - creative, mental, circulatory, digestive, menstrual, and more. Mugwort increases circulation, soothes sore muscles, aids digestion, and calms the nerves making this blend deal for your nightly body-oiling practice to promote restful sleep. Magically and spiritually mugwort is an herb of protection, intuition, and guidance. Its best-known use is for enhancing dreams including lucid dreaming and improving dream recall. Due to mugwort’s affinity for the female reproductive system, this salve is an essential women’s companion for supporting oneself through their “moontime”. Lavender lessens anxiety, invites relaxation & aids in peaceful being/rest. When applied topically, protection from disease & healing occurs, thanks to antiviral & anti-inflammatory properties. These floral allies combined with hydrating coconut oil, nourishing mango butter & sweet beeswax assist in purifying, comforting, & protecting our body as the temple it is.


Use: This balm is intended for multiple purposes and can be used intuitively. Massage on parts of the body where you feel stuck energy or tension. Gently massage into the abdomen to stimulate creativity. Before bedtime, rub on your temples, wrists, back of the neck, and bottoms of your feet for relaxation, to decrease anxiety and tension. Rub some on your third eye to enhance dreaming. Rub into lower back and pelvis areas during your next moon to reduce menstrual cramping.

moon medicine balm

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